Lady Chapel Renovation (2019)
The goal of the Lady Chapel renovation was to open up the space for greater flexibility of movement, update the layout to current liturgical practice, and modernize wiring.
The new design has restored or modified the old finishes, religious fixtures as well as the wiring and floorplan. The original millwork and seating has been carefully updated and integrated to give the space a continuous flow and more room for the small services and prayer the chapel is meant for. The new tile around the altar accentuates the striking blue hue of the Reredos drapery, the wall panels, as well as the Nativity and Holman Hunt stained glass windows that distinguish the chapel as distinct sacred space within the church itself. The more spacious and simplified plan remains true to the original function of the space, while expanding and supporting it’s use for today’s liturgies.
LVA&D Design and Site Admin.
Labbe LEECH Construction and Management: